I am delighted to say the 3rd scenario book for the Twilight of Divine Right rules has been published. It is called 'To the Peace of the Pyrenees' and is available from the Pike and Shot society -

This scenario booklet feature battles from the Thirty Years War (1618-48) and up to the Peace of the Pyrenees (1663). It features the following 15 scenarios from diverse campaigns and featuring many different armies.

Wimpfen, 6th May 1622
Hochst, 20th June 1622
Crossing the Lech, 15th April 1632
Lützen, 16th November 1632
1st Nordlingen, 6th September 1634
Wittenweier, 9th August 1638
Honnecourt, 26th May 1642
2nd Breitenfeld, 2nd November 1642
Rocroi, 19th May 1643
2nd Lleida (Lérida), 15th May 1644
Freiburg, 3rd & 5th August 1644
Rochetta Tanaro, 23rd September 1653 (Franco-Spanish War)
Valenciennes, 16th July 1656 (Franco-Spanish War)
Dunes, 14th June 1658 (Franco-Spanish War)
Ameixial, 8th June 1663 (Portuguese Restoration War)