
I played these rules at a convention a couple of years ago and have never forgotten them.  They are a set by First Command Wargames.   There is not a strickt basing convention and so 60x30 would be fine for units allowing you to play this game or the future SYW Polemos rules.   The rules are pretty simple and straightforward.   The are laid out nicely and the book is well worth the price.   Command radius is important and the rules are semi card based in that you are allowed to move a command when you draw the generals card.   Movement is simple, combat is easy because there are no big lists of modifiers, just simple factors vs inf or Cav.    It really gives a good looking battle with lots of units and artillery although important is not all powerful or overly so like you see in a lot of sets.    I love the simplicity and the ability to teach it to somebody in a handful of turns.  I was up to snuff on the rules by turn 2 or 3.

Basically its not overly simple and its not stupidly complex.   They were written for 10 to 15mm figures however I think 6mm would look the best and you wouldnt have to adjust measurements at all.   Frankly I am surprised that this game has not taken off and become even more popular.

But anyway if you are wanting to have a read of an interesting set of rules or looking to try something new then this maybe your game.

