I'm delighted to report that we completed a very successful PBEM of the Austro-Prussian War battle of Nachod (1866). As one of the guest players said, 'Thank you for a superb game. Not only was it well run and with good sportsmanship but it produced a gripping nail biting finish. [The SOGs] have enjoyed the game immensely.' Couldn't have asked for a better result, really. I've put this in the Gallery section of the Forum because you can see Baccus armies in blow-by-blow action.

I've done a summary blog post here: link
Colin has done a post for every turn on his blog:

I was really happy both with the game and with the scenario. It's in the BBB group files. If APW lights your candle, I do encourage you to take a look.

We're planning to fight the sequel next, Skalitz, to make it a mini-campaign.


Bloody Big BATTLES!