Notice: Due to issues with the processing of VAT on deliveries to the EU a limit has been put in place, restricting orders to a maximum of £135. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

Just another update, but not bad for all that...

2023-05-05 00:00:00

It’s the end of another working week and so it’s time for another magic order number.  This week, we are up to #24240.  All the usual caveats apply to this, in that some numbers in advance of it may actually be on their way, and some prior to it that didn’t quite make this week’s cut.

We have some more new releases for you this week, but first a couple of images of stuff we’ve had out for a couple of weeks but are only just catching up with the photographs.

We’ve now got the Varangians for the Early Medieval Byzantines featured in all their ferocious and sharp-edged glory.


Polemos GNW gets a face lift - and some pretty Byzantines.

2023-04-29 00:00:00

With the dust settling on Salute, can I say , ‘Thank you’,  to all those who made our trip to London so very busy and enjoyable.  It was great to put faces to names and have a chat, no matter how brief.  (Hi, Nicolai and Martin!)  According to the organisers it was the best attended show ever, with around 6000 visitors.  Well done to SLW and the organising team – from a trader’s point of view it is a very slick operation and done very well on a grand scale.  Here’s to next year with Salute 51!

In terms of mail order, we are now at order #24160.  We’ll be putting a lot of work into casting next week, so will be catching up very quickly.


Salute releases now available

2023-04-20 00:00:00

Welcome one and all to the pre-Salute update post.  Yes, the big event is just a couple of days away.   Preparing for a show of this size is both demanding and time consuming, especially when you had a very ambitious new release programme planned.

In the end, we will have most of our planned new releases available at Salute, but what has simply , been impossible has been to get them all photographed for your delight and delectation.   I do apologise for this, but normal service on this front will be resumed in the next few days.


Some Byzantine practices

2023-04-16 00:00:00

A slightly later than usual weekly update, but an update nonetheless.  This week's magic number is the unique and unrivalled total of 24109.  As usual, do not panic if your number precedes this and you have not yet received an email from us.  We are awaiting a shipment of bases to complete some orders and this has resulted in a temporary delay.  Rest assured that we will catch up as soon as possible.


Joy of Six 2023 update.

2023-04-12 00:00:00

The Joy of Six 2023 continue to grow!  I have just updated the show site,  with new games and more traders.

We now have 21 games booked in ranging across all periods and ranging in scope from compact to massive.   Most of the games are participation so there will be lots to do on the day.  

There is still room for more games, so if you want to show off your wonderful 6mm setup, then get that booking form sent in to us and be part of the best wargames show on the circuit.

I am delighted to welcome two more traders to the list with Disain Studios and Irregular Miniatures setting up shop.   JOS is now THE show to come to for your 6mm retail therapy.  At a time when it can be difficult to find anything sub-28mm for sale at regular wargames shows this really makes a refreshing change.

You can find all the details at   Get that date booked into your diary.


Byzantium Endures…

2023-03-31 00:00:00

Just one announcements to be done this week, but first, the magic number, which this week stands at #24028.   This means that we are now getting most orders turned around in 8-10 days, which is a tribute to the hard work of the casting team.


Get yer Salute orders in, but first, some more Poles.

2023-03-25 00:00:00

Hello all,  and welcome to the weekly Baccus update.   As usual we start proceedings with this week’s magic order number, which stands at #23907.   This doesn’t quite tell the whole story, as we have another fortyish orders that should have gone out this week and are packed and ready , but we simply ran out of time to invoice and process them.  We’ll get on to these first thing Monday morning and get a head start.

As I explained last week, there won’t be any new releases in the run-up to Salute, but get ready for some teaser and previews.   However,  this leaves me without any pretty pictures to brighten up this week’s piece, so I thought I’d show you a couple of releases from the recently released GNW Polish range.   These hadn’t had examples painted up and photographed at the time of release so they haven’t been seen before.



The return of the Magic Number!

2023-03-17 00:00:00

After a couple of week’s Sabbatical I am pleased to announce that the Magic Number has returned to us and currently stands at #23862.   However, for some reason, even more than normal we do have a number of orders that come after that which have been completed, and an equal number prior that missed the cut.   For those of you who are ahead of the number, you are now officially ahead of the game, for those behind, please be assured that yours will catch up in next week’s batch.


By way of an apology

2023-03-12 00:00:00

This week’s update is a bit of an apology.   Last week’s activity on my part was curtailed by personal circumstances and a snow day which kept me away from work.  As a result, while there were many orders cast and awaiting processing, I was unable to get them on their way.  As a result, no magic number update this week.   The good news is that I will be back on these at the start of the new week and will catch up over the next couple of days, and get everything back to some sort of ‘normal’ by the end of the week.  I am sorry if your order has been held up by all of this, but be assured that I will be working hard to  get things running again.


Joy of Six 2023 - Games and Traders to date

2023-03-08 00:00:00

Even as the snow is bucketing down outside, our thoughts here at Baccus HQ are turning to the Sunshine and warmth of early July.  Yes, it's time for another update for the Joy of Six 2023!

We now have sixteen confirmed games in a range of sizes and subjects.   There is room for lots more, so if you fancy joining in the fun book a place with us.   All the details can be found at, but for those of you who can't be bothered to click the link, here they are:


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