Notice: Due to issues with the processing of VAT on deliveries to the EU a limit has been put in place, restricting orders to a maximum of £135. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

It's been a busy old week...

4th May 2024

Before I launch into this week’s waffle, just a quick word about this time of year in the UK.    The April/May period is always one of extreme pressure at Baccus HQ.   We kick off with Salute, which is like a huge wargamery black hole, sucking time and effort into itself.   We’ve only just started to recover from this event and then we fall headlong into the Easter holidays, which creates two consecutive short working weeks and usually coincides with staff taking extra days off, (post-Salute recovery mode), and when we finally lurch over the line into May, we have two bank holidays ate each end of the month.    To say that this usually creates a few problems with getting orders out in a timely manner, is an understatement.   All of which brings us to the magic order number for this week, which currently stands at #28737.  

This is a record for us, not just in the sheer number of orders turned around in a week, but also by volume of metal involved.   Prior to packing and processing, orders are delivered to the admin team in plastic bins.   In a good week we will process around 16 or 17 of these bins.   Last week, we processed 23 bins.    Well done to the team, Tony, Tom and Andrew for casting the little chaps and to Lindy for single -handedly getting them all sent on their way!

I will shortly be posting a list of the shows that we will be attending for the rest of the year.   Please note that we will NOT be at the Partizan show on May 19th, as the show team will be having a family holiday.   This is a one-off, and we will be returning for Partizan II in October.

May 1st marked the start of our Golden Ticket scheme, and we’ve already had our first entrants.   To join in the fun, just place an order to the value of £60 or more and you are in the draw for May.  It’s as simple as that.

Finally, for today, I’d just like to remind you that we will once again be conducting our ever-popular Baccus Open Day tours round the workshop.   These are free and you even get hot drinks and chocolate biscuits provided.   Places are limited and we run two sessions, morning and afternoon.   To get an idea of what to expect, this is what the Little Wars TV team found when they visited us a couple of years ago.

This year’s will be taking place the day before the Joy of Six, on Saturday 13th July.   Click here   to book your place online, or alternatively, call or email us. 

If you are coming to the Joy of Six 2024, why not make a weekend of it?