Notice: Due to issues with the processing of VAT on deliveries to the EU a limit has been put in place, restricting orders to a maximum of £135. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

Order update

13th May 2021

The casters have been toiling away over their bubbling cauldrons of vile-smelling metallic fluids and their efforts have been rewarded by us casting and processing orders up to number 16261 .   As usual, there will be a few orders prior to this that will go out next week and some after this that will have jumped the gun.

No new releases as such this week, BUT we do have a new option for those of you purchasing our WW2 artillery packs.   From this week, if you are buying German artillery, you can have the option of crewing them with figures in standard artllery uniform, smock, Fallschirmjaeger or shirtsleeve order.   


Likewise, for the British we are now offering the option of standard uniform or shirtsleeve.


As the range continue to expand we will add other options to these choices, enabling you to field the guns with the correct crew for region or year as appropriate.