Notice: Due to issues with the processing of VAT on deliveries to the EU a limit has been put in place, restricting orders to a maximum of £135. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

It's Show Time!

13th May 2022

Hello everyone, and welcome to another Baccus News update!

As usual, there is a fair bit to go at today, so keep on reading, because there’s lots good stuff.

As is customary we kick things off with this week’s magic number; #20500.  We are making very good headway on getting waiting time from order to casting to dispatch down.  Thanks for all your patience thus far.

But enough of the routine stuff. Let’s talk about the exciting things that are coming up, all designed to dispel the gloom of impending crisis, apocalyptic energy costs and general despondency.    Of immediate interest is the rapidly approaching Partizan show at Newark.   One of the jewels in the crown of the UK wargames circuit, this is such a nice show to attend.   We will be there in our usual spot, so come along and say hello.   We’ll have the usual bits and pieces to sell, but if you know exactly what you are after, get in touch and let us know and we’ll get them prepared for you.  Remember that we very rarely bring more than two or three of any specific code pack to a show, so if you are needing ten packs of sheep, then you had better let us know!

Before then, Sean Clark’s God’s Own Scale podcast will be releasing a new episode in which I am grilled about various topics, but the main subject for discussion is the Joy of Six.   The Covid pandemic put paid to the show for the last two years, and I get the feeling that a lot of people are going to be making up for lost time.   The games that are being registered look spectacular and we are attracting more traders than ever. You can find more information here.

Moving on, can I once again thank all those who have sent in emails and comments about the Baccus showcase videos.   I’ve had LOTS of suggestions for future episodes and subjects and I am taking them on board.

Which brings us on to this week’s new releases.   Once again, we remain in the twentieth century, but this time with the Great War.   I know that this is not helping those of you who prefer a little more colour and less automation,  but those are in the pipeline for release down the line, so do not despair!

This time round, it is a clutch of British tanks.   We have the MkIV male and females, with ditching rails and fascines:

We have the MkV male and female, again with ditching rails and fascines.

And…you guessed it, the mighty MkV*, both male and female.

You can find all of the details here.

And we are not finished there.  Following the release of the early war Highlanders, we now have two codes of later war troops, still in kilt, but this time wearing a far more sensible Brodie helmet.

That’s all for this week.  Don’t forget to get those Partizan order to us!