Notice: Due to issues with the processing of VAT on deliveries to the EU a limit has been put in place, restricting orders to a maximum of £135. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

Paint your wagon!

17th Nov 2020

During lockdown and the cart closure we are still developing new lines and products.   It’s obvious that current working conditions are working against us in terms of getting new releases out there and available, but it doesn’t stop us trying!

One of our big projects at the moment is, of course, Pony Wars.  To this end we have been working on getting lots and lots of the required vehicles; Stagecoach, a War Wagon, Settlers Wagons, Gun runners’ wagon, and even little one horse flatbeds.   The video link shows some of our progress to date.  They lack some drivers/crew figures, but you won’t be short of wheeled transport when it comes to playing games in the Old West.


One really good by-product of this is that we have been able to retire one of our old codes and replace it with a shiny new version.   Our old EQU1 wagon had been in the catalogue for the best part of fifteen years, and I will admit was not our finest piece of work, especially as you were required to glue all the wheels on separately.   The new EQU1 has integral cast rear wheels and a separate front limber which means that assembly is far simpler and the end-result far stronger.   All orders for EQU1 placed since the last cart opening have been supplied with the new model.

We are also pushing ahead with the massive second World War undertaking and making very strong progress.  There will be lots of shiny new models coming on stream for early 2021 which will really round out and consolidate the range.   Here is a little video taster…


Add to this a lot of Great War releases to come and there is a lot happening behind the scenes here and you will see the end results in the coming few months.

While we do all this, orders are continuing to be cast and sent out at a frantic rate.   We have one caster working full time on getting the small to medium orders done quickly, and this means that we are working out of numerical sequence at the moment.  As a result I can’t give the weekly updates on order progress with the same certainty as in previous closure periods.   Once we get the smaller orders out of the way, this will all be much clearer and you will get the updates once again.

Take care and stay safe.