Notice: Due to issues with the processing of VAT on deliveries to the EU a limit has been put in place, restricting orders to a maximum of £135. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

Baccus has moved!

18th Sep 2021

Well, not really, just bits of us have, and not that far either. Other bits have stayed put.   The last few weeks have demonstrated only too well that our old administration/order processing/packing area was completely inadequate.   Handling our normal orders plus the extra ones caused by the release of Pony Wars was the last straw, so we took a couple of days out this week and relocated our admin area to some more spacious accommodation over the workshop.   Here's a picture of our new home.  Lindy can just be seen hard at work wrestling with yet another batch of export documentation.  

All of this has meant that we've not been as responsive to queries and emails as normal, but we expect to be back on top of things next week.  One thing that has remained constant is the weekly order number update.  This week we have reached the dizzying heights of number #17960.

We are all cautiously moving out of full lockdown mode, and wargaming is no stranger to this process as the UK wargames shows begin to creak back into action.   The first of these will be Partizan in Newark on October 10th.   We are working hard to restock with all of the old favorites plus the new items released over the last 18 months.   This is a major job, but we hope to have a full range of exciting new releases.

Talking of new releases, we have a couple of new codes in our Second World War range, one from either side.  For the Germans we have the arrival of the infamous Wespe 10.5cm self propelled artillery.

For the British, there is something rarer, but infinitely more scary in the form of the Churchill Crocodile.  A truely awesome piece of kit.

As ever, lots more goodies in the pipeline and we will continue the steady stream of new releases over the coming weeks.