Notice: Due to issues with the processing of VAT on deliveries to the EU a limit has been put in place, restricting orders to a maximum of £135. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

And this week's lucky number is...

27th Mar 2021

...15699!   Yes, that is the latest order number we have cast, packed and sent out this week.   As usual, there is the rider that some later numbers have actually gone out and some earlier numbers have not.  However, 15699 is a good place to measure the progress.  If anyone hasn't bothered to do the maths yet, that is just shy of eighty orders processed which isn't too bad given our much-reduced capacity at the moment.

We will do our best to keep this momentum up and get those orders shipped out.  I'll repeat the usual requests:

Please, please, please, don't send multiple orders under the £50 limit.   All we will do is batch them, put them all in the queue, cast the first one up as it falls due and put the rest to the back of the pile as it stands at that time, and then repeat the process.

If you haven't heard from us, your order is in the casting queue awaiting processing.  Asking when we will get it done won't make it get there any faster.  We are currently processing 60-80 orders per week, and you can chart the likely date of despatch by following these updates.  We will email you when your order ships.

If you use Paypal, and don't return to the Baccus site before completing the order, then you won't get a confirmation email and your order will appear as unpaid in your account.   We sort all of this sort of thing out the following day, so please give us a bit of time to do this and then check your account status before contacting us.

Remember, the less time spent on emails means more time spent casting orders!

On a cheerier note to end with, the first masters for the redesigned Great North War range have arrived.   I've not had time for a photo yet, but trust me when I say that they are something very special.   I'll get some photos done for next week's update.

Take care, stay safe and get vaccinated!