Notice: Due to issues with the processing of VAT on deliveries to the EU a limit has been put in place, restricting orders to a maximum of £135. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

New Second World War packs now available.

2021-09-03 00:00:00

Let’s get the routine stuff out of the way quickly.  This week we have sent out orders up to and including #17752.

No new releases as such this week, but we do have something new to tell you about.


Pony Wars Rules are now available to order

2021-08-23 00:00:00

I am absolutely delighted to announce that the reprinted Pony Wars rules and card decks are now available to order.


This week we have mainly been doing Pony Wars

2021-08-20 00:00:00


Let's start today with the return of the Number of The Week.  Today, that number is #17590.   As is usual, I will add the disclaimer that there will be some orders prior to this that won't go out until next week, so don't panic!

Those of you who are members of the Pony Wars Facebook page will already know that at long, long last, the print copies of the new, shiny and rather nice Pony Wars rules are finally arriving on the doorsteps of the subscribers.   We have nearly completed this process, which means that the rules and cards will be going on general release next week and will be open for anyone to order.


Lazy admin staff, watch the skies and who was that masked man?

2021-08-05 00:00:00

There is no order update today and we won't be having one next week either, as the admin staff have selfishly decided to take a holiday.   Upon their return I do intend to flog them mercilessly in order to catch up on their work.





Same Baccus Day, same Baccus Time, same Baccus Channel…

2021-07-30 00:00:00

Yes folks, it’s Friday and time for the weekly order number raffle draw!  This week you can claim victory if you hold anything up to and including order number #17475.   (As always, there will be a few orders prior to this that didn’t make it, but they will be on their way next week.)   We are slowly but steadily reducing the time between receipt of an order to it being posted.  The aim is to eliminate the need for these weekly updates on progress, but we’ll keep them going for as long as we feel they are needed, or you lot get bored of them,



Thanks, Orders and more WW2 releases.

2021-07-24 00:00:00

First off, on behalf of all the Baccus team, can I say 'Thank you very much' for all of you who have contacted us via email, social media or phone expressing thanks and good wishes.   We can't reply to them all, but please rest assured that all are valued and really are appreciated.  Without customers, and especially happy customers, we can't carry on, so it tells us that we are doing something right after all.


Thanks, orders abd yet more new releases.

2021-07-24 00:00:00

First off, on behalf of all the Baccus team, can I say 'Thank you very much' for all of you who have contacted us via email, social media or phone expressing thanks and good wishes.   We can't reply to them all, but please rest assured that all are valued and really are appreciated.  Without customers, and especially happy customers, we can't carry on, so it tells us that we are doing something right after all.


Thanks, orders and yet more new releases.

2021-07-24 00:00:00

First off, on behalf of all the Baccus team, can I say 'Thank you very much' for all of you who have contacted us via email, social media or phone expressing thanks and good wishes.   We can't reply to them all, but please rest assured that all are valued and really are appreciated.  Without customers, and especially happy customers, we can't carry on, so it tells us that we are doing something right after all.


Thanks, orders and yet more new releases.

2021-07-24 00:00:00

First off, on behalf of all the Baccus team, can I say 'Thank you very much' for all of you who have contacted us via email, social media or phone expressing thanks and good wishes.   We can't reply to them all, but please rest assured that all are valued and really are appreciated.  Without customers, and especially happy customers, we can't carry on, so it tells us that we are doing something right after all.


Order update, a reopened cart and some rather aggressive Swedish chappies...

2021-07-16 00:00:00

It's that time of the week again, where you get to find out where you are in the Lottery of Life that is the Baccus order system.  This week we have had the big drum banging a faster beat and applied the lash with more vigour with the result that we have got to order #17338.   (As usual, there a couple of orders prior to this that will have to wait until early next week.) I would like to give a big shout out to Andrew for stepping in at short notice and doing great work on casting, and Lindy for packing and invoicing a record number of orders.


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