Notice: Due to issues with the processing of VAT on deliveries to the EU a limit has been put in place, restricting orders to a maximum of £135. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

New WW2 Russian Field guns

2022-10-07 00:00:00

Once more Friday has come around, so it’s time for the weekly Baccus updates.  As usual, we start with the lucky order number, which this week is #22034.

The news regarding card payments is improving, as they seem to be functioning for all but those orders coming from the USA.   If you are having difficulties with the system, please do get in touch.  The tech-chap has now moved on to tapping on various bits of tubing and piping with a screwdriver and humming tunelessly.   I am told that this is a sign of progress.


More WW2 Russians and a couple of updates

2022-09-30 00:00:00

The first business of the day is this week’s Magic Number - #21965.  As usual we do have a couple of orders prior to this that didn’t quite make the cut, so don’t panic if you have an earlier number and no notification of dispatch.  It will all be corrected next week.

Before we get on to this week’s new releases, it’s time for an update on card payments on the Baccus site.  We can now accept all UK based card payments with no problems.  However, there still seems to be an issue with overseas payments via this method.   The tech chap has resorted to poking a sharpened stick into the site gubbins, stirring it around a bit and whistling tunelessly through his teeth.  I am told that will soon sort things, and I will give more updates as they come through.  In the meantime, if anyone outside of the UK is having difficulties and does not have access to a Paypal account, please email us at  and we will try and get things moving for you.


It's time to open the Ostfront!

2022-09-23 00:00:00

It’s back to new releases this week, but before we get into this, there are some ‘housekeeping’ issues to deal with.  Firstly, this week we have reached order number #21900.   

We are currently having some problems with the Baccus shopping cart, which means that some of you trying to place orders using a credit or debit card have not been able to complete the transaction.   Work is going on behind the scenes to get this fixed, so please bear with us.   The cart is working perfectly if you use Paypal, and for the moment we would suggest that you use that means of payment if possible.   Alternatively we can take card orders over the phone during office hours.   I will post an update as soon as we get back to normal.

With that out of the way, it’s time for this week’s new releases.



Tiger Hunting

2022-09-16 00:00:00

This week we are continuing the trend of showing some previews of bits to be released in the next few weeks, but before that, there is the small matter of the weekly order update.  This week, we have reached order #21800 which means that we’ve processed 127 orders this week.

On top of this, work has been going on behind the scenes getting the Autumn released prepared and ready to go.  This week, here is a glimpse of the first of the Russian artillery, in the form of a group of  45mm, 57mm and 76mm AT guns and crew.


The update before travelling to Newbury

2022-09-08 00:00:00

Today’s update is a day earlier as we will be spending tomorrow travelling to the Colours show at Newbury.   So, without further ado, I can announce that this week we have reached order number #21673.   There is one complication in that the UK is currently in the throes of a postal strike, so the orders that should have been on their way today will actually go until next Monday.


Taking to the skies?

2022-09-02 00:00:00

Let’s start off with the all-important information.  I can let you know that we have reached order number #21540.

All at Baccus HQ are now working towards the challenges that the last quarter of the year will bring.   As we enter the Autumn period the UK wargames show season kicks into top speed and the Baccus trade stand dashes here and there at events all over the country.   It’s also the period where we try and get some new releases into the system following the late-Summer lull in activity.   There’s nothing new this week, but here is a preview of one of the items that you can expect, painted by the talented Wing Commander Luddite..



Baccus News - The Return!

2022-08-18 00:00:00

It’s been a while, but welcome to the Baccus News update!   We are in the middle of the Summer break season for team Baccus, so one thing that has been missing for a few weeks has been the regular new releases.  Don’t worry, there’s lots more new goodies to come, and we will restart that process in September.

Some of you may already know this, but the main reason for the lack of posts recently is that Lindy and I got married last month and we’ve been taking some time off following the Big Day.  However, we are back to work with a vengeance and sending out orders in large volumes.  As  a result, I am happy to provide the first magic order number update for a couple of weeks is, (cue drum roll….) #21460.


Things that go BANG!

2022-07-16 00:00:00

You know it’s been nearly a month since we’ve had some new releases.  Yes, there’s been the small matter of the Joy of Six to organise, but that’s still no excuse is it?   But before we get to all that, it’s time for an order update.   As at close of play today, we were up to order number #21074.  More so than ever, this number is a wee bit misleading.   There are a good number of orders prior to this awaiting invoice and despatch, both of which will take place early next week.  In addition, the casters are now working faster than the admin department which means that there are around another 50 or so awaiting processing.   All of which means that the process of catching up on orders and reducing waiting times is continuing nicely.


We're back...

2022-07-12 00:00:00

Apologies if you were missing the weekly magic number updates.  The pre-Joy of Six preparation and post- Joy of Six aftermath has meant that it’s not been possible to get our customary slick admin processes in place.   HOWEVER, we are now back up to speed, and without further ado, I am happy to announce that on 08/07/22 we had managed to process order #21057.     We are rapidly closing that gap between an order being placed and it being sent on its way.


Nearly there now...

2022-06-28 00:00:00

Only five more days to go and the Great Big 6mm weeked begins!

It all starts on Saturday with the Baccus Workshop tours.   Due to a couple of last-minute Covid-related cancellations, we have some spare places available on the afternoon session.  If you’d like to take those up, please go get in touch asap.


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