Notice: Due to issues with the processing of VAT on deliveries to the EU a limit has been put in place, restricting orders to a maximum of £135. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

Time for a teaser...

2019-06-11 00:00:00

Here's a subtle hint as to what our next new set of pre-20C releases will be...

No prizes at all for guessing the subject matter!



More, yes MORE 17th century releases!

2019-06-03 00:00:00

We are closing in on completion of the grand WEC  project with the release of these new codes.   Firstly we have the disgruntled common folk in the form of a typical mixed bag of Armed Peasants...


Get ready for the Joy of Six 2019

2019-05-20 00:00:00

As we are now approaching the end of the month of May, it’s that time of year when thoughts turn to THE Wargaming event of the year.  I am, of course, talking about the incomparable Joy of Six 2019!


New Hall CDs and new member for Team Baccus

2019-05-13 00:00:00

For anyone modelling armies of the War of the Spanish Succession, the Robert Hall collection of CDs is simply essential reference.    Robert puts in huge amounts of time doing primary research in the archives of European record offices and then sharing his work with the wargaming world.  


New Releases - Great War Italians

2019-04-25 00:00:00

Following on from our recent release of Austrians, we now have Great War Italians available.


WW2 British releases - at last!

2019-04-15 00:00:00

I am absolutely overjoyed to be able to announce the release of our first substantial tranche of WW2 vehicles.


New Release - 17thC Highlanders

2019-04-08 00:00:00

As promised, we've finally unleashed our new WEC Highlanders on an unsuspecting world!   Given the number of queries i've fielded about these wee chaps I am sure that there will be loud cheers ringing around parts of the world and the odd glass of spirits raised in toast.



Salute releases and beyond

2019-04-02 00:00:00

Following on from a LOT of emails and phone conversations, I think it might be a good idea to let you know exactly what new stuff we'll have available at Salute.   It's a fair old list, so bear with me...



Another obligatory pre-Salute teaser post

2019-03-28 00:00:00

And as usual, it will have a  dash of style but no actual substance. We're hard at work getting moulds made and stock cast. The shiny new releases for the show will fall into three areas:

You'll get some hairy highlanders, upper and lower class, stood around and charging.


You'll get some Great War Italians complete with chaps with chicken feathers on their hats.

And you'll get a good bunch of British WW2 releases, marking the start of what will be a very steady stream of releases over the next few months.

These will all be available at Salute and via mail order the week after.


Salute is a coming in

2019-03-14 00:00:00

Yes, it's Spring and as the year turns, all thoughts in the wargaming world centre on the extravaganza that is Salute.

Lots of you have started getting your pre-orders in to us, but I'll put out my usual request anyway.  If you are going to the show and know what you want from us, please get in touch beforehand.   We can only take a limited stock of anything to any show, it is the best way to make sure that we have what you want on hand.


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