Notice: Due to issues with the processing of VAT on deliveries to the EU a limit has been put in place, restricting orders to a maximum of £135. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

Order update and aggressive Swedes.

2021-05-21 00:00:00

The lash continues to be applied to the poor wretches spinning the moulds in the dark dungeon that is the Baccus workshop.  As a result, we've got up to order number 16343.    Don't worry if you have an order prior to this and haven't had notification that its on its way - it will be sent next week.   I have taken delivery of a brand new whip, as the old one was worn away with use, and encouragement will be given for even greater productivity.


Order update

2021-05-13 00:00:00

The casters have been toiling away over their bubbling cauldrons of vile-smelling metallic fluids and their efforts have been rewarded by us casting and processing orders up to number 16261.   As usual, there will be a few orders prior to this that will go out next week and some after this that will have jumped the gun.


Order update

2021-05-08 00:00:00

Just a quick update on progress this time. This week we have got to order number 16117.   As usual, there will be a few order numbers prior to this that didn't quite make it this week, but they will be on their way in the next few days.   We are now making good progress through the backlog and are looking to accelerate the rate of casting in the coming weeks.


New Pony Wars and WW2 releases

2021-04-30 00:00:00

No magic number today. We've had some IT issues which has delayed the processing of a big chunk of this week's orders, which means that we will process them on our return to work after the Bank holiday. As a result the next update will be next week.


Order update and new releases on the way.

2021-04-25 00:00:00

Let's go straight to this week's lucky number.  We have sent order  #15949 on its way.   I'll add the boring reminder that because of the ways we organise the casting team, some orders prior to this will not have made the cut, and some in advance may have been processed,   All of the missing ones will catch up in the next few days.


Lucky number time!

2021-04-17 00:00:00

This week's updated order number is....15855 which means we've got another 80 plus orders on their way to eager recipients. The team is working in shifts to move metal we are starting the process of squeezing in a few more extra casting hours as the crew get vaccinated, and Lindy wants it to be known that she is back organizing us all, so as the saying goes, 'Things can only get better'...


Order Update...

2021-04-10 00:00:00

After a week off we are back on the numerical treadmill. I am happy to announce that we have sent order number 15775 off to its deserving owner. As ever, this is a guideline only; there are some orders prior to this number that haven't made this week's deadline and a couple after it that have.


And this week's lucky number is...

2021-03-27 00:00:00

...15699!   Yes, that is the latest order number we have cast, packed and sent out this week.   As usual, there is the rider that some later numbers have actually gone out and some earlier numbers have not.  However, 15699 is a good place to measure the progress.  If anyone hasn't bothered to do the maths yet, that is just shy of eighty orders processed which isn't too bad given our much-reduced capacity at the moment.


Joy of Six 2021 is cancelled

2021-03-23 00:00:00

Sad news folks.  After long discussions with the events team at Sheffield Hallam University  we have made the very painful decision to cancel the Joy of Six for a second year.   We are as gutted as any of you reading this will be, but in the end we didn't have choice.     For a start, the main room used for the show is now a Covid testing centre for students and is likely to remain so for the rest of the year, and there is no alternative suitable space.    We also had to consider that the proposed lifting of the UK lockdown is just two weeks prior to the date of the show.  A small glitch in that timetable would see the event in trouble.   There were a number of other factors at play, including safety concerns for University staff, so all in all, the decision was inevitable.


This week's update.

2021-03-19 00:00:00

I will be restarting the weekly order updates for those of you waiting.   Today, we have shipped order number 15620.  Because of the arcane and mystical processes utilised by our 'despatch department' (a wise and cautious man meddles not in the affairs of Packers) there will be a few orders in advance of this number that have been sent, and a few below it that have not.   Those in the latter section will be on their way next week.




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