Notice: Due to issues with the processing of VAT on deliveries to the EU a limit has been put in place, restricting orders to a maximum of £135. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

New releases - well, sort of new releases...

4th Dec 2020

Among the many problems we face under current circumstances is what to do about new releases.  Let's face it, we can't unveil a shiny new range while at the same time, saying that it's not available to order.   We do have plans in place to address this in the new year, but for the moment we are contenting ourselves with  just trickling bits and pieces out.

So, to the new releases.  Well, not really.   As part of the long standing process of tidying up older models, we have been upgrading the ACW artillery and materiel codes.   Our venerable 12pdr smoothbore mould has been retired and replaced with a new much cleaner model.   That has also given us the opportunity to introduce a re-designed limber.  

Both of these models will be supplied in any orders being sent out from the beginning of this week.

Both of the above are simply new versions of older models, but we thought that this was a great opportunity to introduce something that has been the subject of a lot of requests over the years.   As a result, we have added a caisson team to the range.  


Sorry, but the cart closure means that you can't get your hands on these yet, but it's something to look forward to.

Talking of the cart, we will remain closed to new orders until January 2021.   I am really sorry for all the delays this is causing but we need to clear off existing orders before taking on new ones.   However, once the cart does reopen I can promise you lots of new shiny goodies.

Take care and stay safe.